from a dream to reality...
In the heart of bustling Hackney, amidst the vibrant energy of "The Crown Pub and Guest house," a flicker of inspiration danced in the mind of a young entrepreneur-to-be. Elizabeth Mason, then a determined third-year university student pursuing her Economics degree, found herself captivated by the enchanting atmosphere of the historic pub managed by the spirited landlady.
It was within the cozy confines of "The Crown Pub" that the idea for Lit By Liz was ignited, sparked by the desire to enhance the ambiance with captivating aromas. Driven by her passion for scents and a keen eye for creativity, Elizabeth channeled her ingenuity into crafting the very first Lit By Liz candle - the martini candle. Infusing the air with delightful fragrances, the candle resonated with the landlady, who recognized its allure and purchased a substantial bulk order, becoming the first-ever consumer of a Lit By Liz product.
Empowered by the local support and the demand for her handcrafted creations, Elizabeth took a bold leap and utilized her student overdraft to bring Lit By Liz to life. With an initial investment of only £400, the radiant glow of Lit By Liz emerged, illuminating her entrepreneurial journey.
Undeterred by the challenges of managing her studies and running her budding business, Elizabeth's determination soared. As the sole employee, she devoted herself to her craft, ensuring the candles were crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail. The result was astounding, and during Lit By Liz's first-ever Christmas, the flicker of success transformed into a radiant glow, generating over triple the original investment in revenue.
Despite the achievements, Elizabeth knew she could achieve more. With a clear vision for her brand, she temporarily closed Lit By Liz, determined to make significant improvements and perfect every aspect of her business. The time of closure proved invaluable as Elizabeth and her team tirelessly tested, refined, and planned for the future, ensuring that any flaws were rectified, and the brand was ready to flourish upon reopening.
In September 2023, after months of relentless dedication and brand development, Lit By Liz Ltd triumphantly reemerged, illuminating the world with its finest quality products, captivating fragrances, and distinctive style. With every flicker, the candles whispered stories of passion and artistry, enticing customers to experience the magic woven into each creation.
Today, Lit By Liz stands as a beacon of luxury, sustainability, and artisanal craftsmanship. Elizabeth's unwavering dedication, coupled with the unwavering support of her customers, has transformed Lit By Liz into a beloved brand, cherished by those seeking to embrace moments of relaxation, luxury, and eco-conscious living.
From its humble origins to its radiant present, Lit By Liz continues to be guided by Elizabeth's passion and creativity, igniting the world one candle at a time, leaving behind a trail of enchantment and scented memories.
Let Lit By Liz illuminate your senses, and together, we'll create moments that glow forever. ✨🕯️